Friday, April 10, 2020

What Is A Honorary Pallbearer? | Yahoo Answers Honorary Pallbearers Etiquette

what is a honorary pallbearer? | Yahoo Answers

what is a honorary pallbearer? | Yahoo Answers

They do not actively assist in carrying the casket, they usually walk beside or in front of the casket.

The next-of-kin has an opportunity to name “active” as well as “honorary” pallbearers. An active pallbearer assists others in carrying the casket, and therefore must be reasonably fit and able to bear considerable weight. In most cases, the pallbearers have to collectively bear over 300 lbs.; the weight of both the decedent and the casket. Six pallbearers are the standard number needed to carry the casket, but eight or more are sometimes necessary. An honorary pallbearer is one who is given special mention and recognition, but is not required to assist in carrying the casket.

This honorary status is reserved for friends or relatives who are elderly, who otherwise could not bear the weight, or for others not chosen to be among the active, first six.


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