Friday, April 10, 2020

Death And State Funeral Of Ronald Reagan Honorary Pallbearers

Death and state funeral of Ronald Reagan

On June 5, 2004, .

After (MDW). Reagan was the first former U.S. president to die in the 21st century.


On the morning of June 5, 2004, there were reports that Reagan's health had significantly deteriorated, following nine years of , at the age of 93.


Various .

After Reagan's death, campaigning for the ongoing U.S.

Funeral events[]

Reagan Library[]

On June 7, Reagan's body was removed from the funeral home and driven in a 20-mile-per-hour (32 km/h)

Departure to Washington[]

On June 9, Reagan's casket was removed from the presidential library and driven in a motorcade to

Events in Washington[]

, with Reagan's own riding boots reversed in the stirrups.

The Bushes pay their respects to Reagan

In Washington, D.C., members of , and much of the public, paid tribute to Reagan immediately after his death and throughout his funeral.

Funeral procession[]

Events in the capital began when Reagan's casket arrived at .

Capitol Hill[]

The caisson stopped when it arrived at Capitol Hill; military units removed it, and ".

The casket was placed under the rotunda, where it lay in state on

Public viewing[]

The general public stood in long lines waiting for a turn to pay their respects to the president. About 5,000 per hour passed the casket, after waiting up to seven hours. In all, 104,684 paid their respects when Reagan lay in state.

State funeral service[]

President Bush delivers a eulogy

After 34 hours of lying in state, the doors of the Capitol were closed to the public and Nancy Reagan was escorted in, where she had a moment alone with the casket. A military honor guard entered and carried it down the west steps of the Capitol to a 21-gun salute where Nancy, holding her hand over her heart, met it.


About 4,000 people gathered at the cathedral for the service, including President and Mrs. Bush, former presidents

Cathedral events[]

The motorcade arrived at the Cathedral and Reagan's casket was removed. The bearers carrying it paused on the Cathedral steps, and an opening prayer was given by The Reverend Ted Eastman, former Bishop of Maryland, delivered the benediction, flanked by Reverend Danforth and Reverend Chane.

Interment at the Reagan Library[]

The memorial service at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Nancy Reagan leaving the gravesite

Return to California[]

After the service, the casket was driven to Andrews Air Force Base, passing crowds along its route. and as she had done previously, Nancy Reagan waved farewell to the crowds just before boarding the plane.

About five hours after the aircraft departed Andrews, it touched down at Reagan's body was driven in a large motorcade though the streets of southern California.

Burial service[]

The service drew 700 invited guests, including former Reagan administration officials such as .

The casket was lowered into the vault and closed at 3:00 am

Attending guests[]

1. American Politicians[]

Thousands of American Politicians attended the funeral.

  • President
  • Former President
  • Former President And Vice President
  • Former President
  • Former President And Vice President
  • Former First Lady
  • Vice President
  • Former Vice President
  • Former Vice President
  • Former Vice President
  • California Governor
  • Former
  • Former
  • Secretary of State
  • Former Secretaries of State
  • Past and present members
  • Past and present ]

    Not since the 1963 . There were nearly 250 international delegates coming from 167 countries presented at the service, which included more than 45 current or former world leaders and 30 governmental representatives.

    Delegations in attendance included :


    The following guests declined their invitation to the service :

    Eminent persons and envoys from ... were also presented, along with more than 200 diplomats and ambassadors.

    3. Celebrities[]

    Many celebrities attended the event, such as : The , ...


    Music played during the week-long events included four The US Marine Orchestra was conducted by COL Timothy Foley and the Armed Forces Chorus was conducted by LTC John Clanton.

    Security measures[]

    The state funeral marked the first time that Washington had hosted a major event since the

    Public and media comments[]

    The majority of those commemorating Reagan were supporters of his, although not all held the 40th president in high regard. In one noted example, Paul Mays, a retired engineer who never thought much of Reagan's politics, witnessed the motorcade leave the tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base; he commented "This is history".]


    • Mourners lay flowers and tributes in front of the Reagan Library's sign.

    • Former First Lady on hand at 16th Street and Constitution Avenue to witness the transfer of her husband, Ronald Reagan's casket from hearse to caisson.

    • A caisson bearing the casket of former President Ronald Reagan proceeding down Constitution Avenue en route to the building.

    • soldiers escort former President Ronald Reagan's casket to the United States Capitol Building.

    • Honor guards carry the casket of former President Ronald Reagan to a waiting hearse outside of Washington National Cathedral.

    • The Reverend Dr. Michael H. Wenning delivering a eulogy during a sunset interment service at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in on June 11, 2004.

    • Aboard , June 7, 2004: Navy sailor writes a personal message in book to be presented to Nancy Reagan during President Ronald Reagan's interment ceremony.

    See also[]

    • ]
      1. (Reprint) on 2014-03-30. Retrieved 2008-02-03.
      2. ^ . CNN. June 8, 2004. Retrieved 2008-06-12.
      3. . CNN. 2004-06-08. Retrieved 2008-02-03.
      4. . The White House. June 6, 2004. Retrieved 2008-03-09.
      5. ^ . Press release, Office of the Press Secretary, June 6, 2004.
      6. Press release, Office of the Press Secretary, July 2, 2004.
      7. . BBC. 2004-06-06. Retrieved 2008-02-03.
      8. ^ Koring, Paul (June 12, 2004). "He showed us what a president should be". The Globe and Mail. p. A20.
      9. "No Campaign Ads on Day of Reagan Rites". The New York Times. June 8, 2004. p. A23.
      10. Blanchfield, Mike; Gordon, Sean (June 6, 2004). "'Brian, I think the end is near': Nancy Reagan's words reveal family's fondness for Mulroney". Ottawa Citizen. p. A1.
      11. . The San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2008-03-09.
      12. . CTV News, June 8, 2004. Retrieved 2008-03-09
      13. on May 16, 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-09.
      14. . CBC News. June 12, 2004. Retrieved 2008-03-09.
      15. on April 19, 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-09.
      16. ^ . The St. Petersburg Times. Associated Press. June 8, 2004. Retrieved 2008-03-09.
      17. . CNN. June 9, 2004. Retrieved 2008-04-20.
      18. on October 23, 2012. Retrieved 2008-04-20.
      19. . The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-04-20.
      20. . USA Today. June 10, 2004. Retrieved 2008-04-20.
      21. ^ on June 11, 2008. Retrieved 2008-04-20.
      22. . CNN. June 9, 2004. Retrieved 2008-04-20.
      23. (PDF) on 2008-05-28. Retrieved 2008-04-20.
      24. ^ "Formal funeral procession to U.S. Capitol. Casket is transferred from hearse to a horse-drawn caisson at 16th St. & Constitution Ave., NW" (Television production). Washington, D.C.: C-SPAN. 2004-06-09.
      25. ^ on June 12, 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-03.
      26. ^ . CNN. June 11, 2004. Retrieved 2008-04-20.
      27. . CNN. Retrieved 2008-05-03.
      28. ^ . The Washington Post. Retrieved 2008-05-03.
      29. . BBC, June 11, 2004. Retrieved 2008-03-09.
      30. . United States Capitol Police. Retrieved 2008-03-09
      31. ^ . Fox News Channel. Associated Press. June 10, 2004. Retrieved 2008-05-03.
      32. ^ . The Washington Post. Retrieved 2008-05-04.
      33. ^ . BBC. June 10, 2004. Retrieved 2008-05-03.
      34. News Australia - G-G to attend Reagan's funeral - Retrieved 20170630
      35. Low, Valentine (8 June 2004). "Nancy says goodbye; She touched her cheek on coffin draped in US flag". Evening Standard [London (UK)]. p. 17. A planned appearance by Afghan president Hamid Karzai in Los Angeles on Friday afternoon was postponed indefinitely.
      36. . Retrieved 2013-01-15.
      37. Beesley, Arthur (June 7, 2004). "Ahern salutes a 'determined opponent of communism'". The Irish Times. p. 11. 'President Reagan was proud of his Irish heritage and during his time in the White House, he celebrated St Patrick's Day with great ceremony. In 1984, President Reagan visited Ireland, an occasion still remembered with great fondness by many here.'
      38. . Retrieved 2 April 2018.
      39. more than 40 years ago.
      40. Seelye, Katharine (June 12, 2004). "Service Draws a Mix of the Elite, Some Solemn, Some Social". The New York Times. p. A10. Caroline Kennedy...seemed to pass she and her husband, Edwin A. Schlossberg...Now 46, Ms. Kennedy was just turning 6 at the time of the state funeral for her father in 1963.
      41. ^ . CNN. June 11, 2004. Retrieved 2008-05-04.
      42. ^ (PDF) on 2008-05-28. Retrieved 2008-05-04.
      43. . USA Today. Associated Press. June 11, 2004. Retrieved 2008-05-04.
      44. ^ . The Washington Post. Retrieved 2008-05-22.
      45. ^ . BBC. June 12, 2004. Retrieved 2008-06-05.
      46. ^ . CBS. Associated Press. June 11, 2004. Retrieved 2008-06-05.
      47. ^ . MSNBC. Associated Press. June 12, 2004. Retrieved 2008-06-05.
      48. CNN Live Coverage Transcripts, June 11, 2004.
      49. . USA Today, June 12, 2004.
      50. . Boston Globe. Retrieved 2008-06-05.
      51. . Reason. Retrieved June 12, 2008.
      52. ^ . United States Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration. Retrieved 2008-06-12.
      53. ^ . The Washington Post. p. 4.
      54. Shister, Gail (June 8, 2004). "Network anchors see excess in Reagan funeral coverage". The Philadelphia Inquirer. p. E01.
      55. . CNN. June 14, 2004. Retrieved August 25, 2011. Last week was in an odd sort of way a welcomed respite, a trip back. The present returned today. It returned with news of an indictment, a suspect and an alleged plot against middle America.
      56. . CNN. June 11, 2004. Retrieved September 17, 2012.
      57. on November 12, 2005. Retrieved 2005-05-10.
      58. . American Journalism Review. Retrieved 2005-08-25.
      59. . The Washington Post. Retrieved 2005-08-25.

      External links[]

      Video coverage of the funeral

      Newspaper and media coverage

      Additional coverage and photos

      Eyewitness accounts


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