Friday, April 10, 2020

Ask The Undertaker: Female Pallbearers Why Are Pallbearers Male

Ask the Undertaker: Female Pallbearers

Ask the Undertaker: Female Pallbearers

Dear Pat,

Is it okay to have female pallbearers? I think it would be nice if my daughter could be a pallbearer along with the other grandchildren when my mom dies.

-Alice N.

Dear Alice,

Being selected as a pallbearer is an honor and a way for close friends or relatives to participate in the funeral service. The short anwer to your question is 'By all means, Yes!' women should be selected as pallbearers just as men are. With that said, some things you should consider before selecting a pall bearer of either gender are:

Are they strong enough?

Do they have any injuries or medical conditions that may make carrying a casket difficult of dangerous?

Will they be able to attend the service, and be there in time to receive instructions from the funeral director?

Pallbearers of either gender should remember that cemetery grounds are often muddy, slipery and unstable, so sensible shoes are a must.

-Pat McNally, Undertaker


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